Service comes first at Otis. To us, that means developing new products that meet our customers’ needs and challenges; providing reliable maintenance; and modernizing systems to keep pace with a building’s changing face and function. In all areas of service, Otis is committed to inspiring total customer confidence.
Because each customer defines service differently, our approach to satisfying customer needs is both broad-based and personalized. With the world’s largest network of branch offices and service centers, our staff provides service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This global network ensures rapid response and minimal downtime.
Here are some of the ways we put service first for our customers.
Otis Maintenance Solutions
Otis offers a variety of maintenance programs and building support systems to fit customers’ needs and equipment types. We have standardized work practices around the world and can tailor a maintenance program specifically to the environment. Ultimately, the right maintenance at the right time extends the life of the equipment and protects the owner’s investment.
OTISLINE® Communications Center
No matter where they are in the world, Otis customers can call OTISLINE service when they have an elevator or escalator problem. Within minutes, a customer service representative can have a mechanic on the way to their building. More than 1,000 trained service professionals are on call to ensure a prompt, professional response.
REM® Remote Elevator Monitoring
Otis developed the REM system to optimize elevator performance and minimize elevator downtime. It is a sophisticated interconnected system of sensors, monitors, circuits, hardware and software to collect, record, analyze and communicate data about elevator operations 24/7. If the REM system detects a problem, it analyzes and diagnoses the cause and location, then makes the service call and helps an Otis mechanic identify the component causing the problem. Elevators are often back in service before owners or tenants even know there is a problem.
EMS Panorama™
The Web-based EMS Panorama system enables building staff to monitor, control, report on and manage a full range of operation-critical functions from any computer with an Internet connection. Users can monitor the status of up to 30 groups of elevators, escalators and moving walkways, looking at a single building or an entire airport, college campus or medical center. Because the EMS Panorama system offers comprehensive, real-time data that shows building managers the full picture, they are able to respond quickly to passengers’ needs and make informed decisions about equipment operations with greater certainty than ever before.